Saturday, May 16, 2020

My Personal Learning Goal Essay - 2403 Words

I landed in the beautiful city of London on June 30th. As I left the plane, I immediately took note of the immense amount of diversity in London’s Gatwick Airport. Seven days prior to my arrival, the British people voted, in a historical referendum, to leave the European Union, leaving the entire EU rattled and the world in shock about what is to come in global affairs. Upon arriving at immigration, I immediately took note of the three lines into which travelers were placed – UK passport holders, EU citizens and non-EU Citizens. It excited me to know how historic of a time it was to be in the United Kingdom. Brexit made the exploration of my personal learning goal far deeper, more exciting and more impactful that I would have ever anticipated last spring when selecting my area of focus. In the Spring, I had no idea about Brexit or the influence it would have on my personal learning goal. I feel fortunate for this experience and have enjoyed reflecting on London in light of my learning goal. Thinking about politics and its interactions with the culture, values, geography and history of the UK and the EU has dramatically enhanced the way I view cultures outside of my own, and has given me a heightened appreciation for the world outside of the bubble that I live in, in the United States. In one of my first blog posts, I wrote about a time I biked for three miles on my own to see a middle school friend across the city. When I crossed over the Thames river, I was moved by theShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Favorite Communication Learning Goal Essay1729 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction The second learning objective we have is Knowledge. Which is my personal favorite communication learning goal. I feel like the majority of the classes i have had in the communication major has taught me something about myself and the world around me. 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