Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Murder Of Emily By Harry Gordon - 1195 Words

Posing as a wealthy inventor by the name of Harry Gordon, Holmes met a lady named Minnie Williams in 1893, and they soon became engaged. Julia and Pearl Connor seemed to disappear out of nowhere. Holmes later confessed that Julia had died in a bungled abortion he performed on her and then poisoned Pearl. He murdered Julia and Pearl because of Julia’s jealous feelings towards Minnie; â€Å"But I would have gotten rid of her anyway, I was tired of her,† stated Holmes while confessing to Julia’s murder. Minnie lived at the castle for over a year. She knew of the murders taking place and even instigated the murder of Emily Van Tassel, a 17 year old girl who worked at the candy store on the first floor of the hotel. Emily’s fiance, Robert†¦show more content†¦A young woman from Indiana traveled to Chicago on behalf of an ad for a job at Holmes’s â€Å"hotel†. Holmes told the lady, Georgianna Yoke, that his name is Henry Howard and that Minnie is his cousin. On January 17, 1894, with Minnie as the witness, Holmes and Georgianna married at the Vendome Hotel in Denver, Colorado. After the wedding, the three traveled to Texas to claim Minnie’s property and organized a horse scam. Holmes purchased horses with counterfeit money and sold them in Saint Louis, Missouri to end up making a large profit. Once back in Chicago, Holmes killed Minnie. When the police questioned him as to where she was, he answered that he believes that she had killed her sister and fled to Europe. Seen as a respected man of the community, the police instantly believed him. Holmes later confesses that he put Minnie’s body in an acid vat after killing her. In July of 1894, Holmes was arrested for the first time as the result of the earlier horse swindle, but Georgianna quickly bailed him out. While in jail, Holmes met Marion Hedgepath, a train robber with a 25 year sentence. Holmes talks about his greed for money with Marion, and he gives Holmes the idea to take a $20,000 insurance claim out on himself and then fake his death. He also recommended a corrupt lawyer, Colonel Jeptha Howe, for Holmes to use in exchange for a $500 commission. Holmes’s plan was to fake the death of his partner,

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